
The Swedish Theory of Love

Directed by: Erik Gandini

Cinema program "The Swedish Theory of Love" in Kraków

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Movie poster Szwedzka teoria miłości
Original title: The Swedish Theory of Love
Runtime: 76 min.
Production: Szwecja , 2015
Category: documentary
Release Date: 10 February 2017
Distribution: Against Gravity

Directed by: Erik Gandini
Cast: Erik Gandini, Lars Trägårdh, Marie Helena Fjällås

Swedish women today are the largest group among the clients seed banks, while one in four Swedes die alone. It seems that the state provides the Swedes ... everything except the ability to be with other people. Erik Gandini, the author of the film "Videocracy" (Millennium Award in the main competition of the 7th edition of the festival Millennium Docs Against Gravity), wonders if the price for freedom is not alone. How do you live in a country that since the early 70s realizes the vision of free, equal people, without the bonds of economic dependency?

If Sweden is not a land of universal happiness, where to look? Gandini visits with a camera Swedish doctor who feels satisfied working in Ethiopia. He talks with a group of young people living in a commune, to experience intimacy. In the end, he asks for the guidance of Professor Zygmunt Bauman. - It is not true that happiness is a life free from problems - corresponds to him in the film Polish sociologist, who died in January this year.

"Swedish theory of love" won the award Networks Arthouse Cinemas during the 13th Millennium Docs Against Gravity FF and won the audience award Bydgoszcz annex festival.

Average rate: 4.0
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IMDb© rate: Szwedzka teoria miłości on IMDb

Movie trailer: The Swedish Theory of Love

Your comments

kamiseq 21. February 2017, 8:27

niestety rozczarowanie, wideokracja to był naprawdę dobrze merytorycznie przygotowany dokument. tutaj możnaby pokazać 10 pierwszych i 10 ostatnich minut filmu. Trochę szukano sensacji na siłę.

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